Dog Adventures Northwest is rated #1
for pet care in Portland
There is a reason we have been voted the number one pet care company by Spot Magazine multiple times for many years. Take a look at the following to see why our premium service has earned our qualification as the safest dog care company around.
All dogs in our care receive highly individualized attention. We never have more dogs than we can safely and securely handle in the event of an emergency. While the photos of the large groups you see on social media may look super fun, they are also super dangerous.We do not take out large groups of dogs to maximize profit, and believe that doing so a highly irresponsible practice.
We keep our pups happily hiking and playing during their time with us. The amount of exercise your dog needs depends on their age, breed, and health. Use this chart as a guideline, and speak with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog’s ability to go adventuring. Exercise modifications may be an option for puppies, senior dogs, or pups recovering from injury or illness.
Most of our clients are away at work while their dogs are on Adventures. We will pick up your pup, bring show them a rollicking good time, and return them to your home, happy and tired.
Also, we understand that life is unpredictable and cancellations will happen from time-to-time. With more than 24-hours notice, there is no charge of any kind on cancelled adventures.
Though we primarily rely on other safety measures first and foremost (highly trained adventure leaders, small groups, proper evaluations, long lines for new pups, age limits, breed considerations, relationship building, training on the trail, etc), satellite GPS tracking allows us to safely deal with any situation that is thrown our way. Your dog will not be lost on our watch. (To learn more about the Garmin Astro, you can check out the handheld unit here and you can see the collar here. Note that we are a force-free organization; these collars do not have any kind of "shock" or “stim” capacity, and we do not support any kind of training that utilizes these tools.)
We are a legal business entity in the State of Oregon, with full-coverage insurance and bonding. Note also that our trainers all have clean background checks and DMV records.