New Onboarding System Testing - August 2024
Contractors agree to do the following when delivering the Dog Adventures Northwest Adventure service:
Best Practices
Shared by Simone Riley: Don't be afraid to transfer or drop a dog/ client that causes you stress, for whatever reason, regardless of how long you've worked with them. It's just not worth it. If it's just a personal preference thing, and the reason isn't important for safety or future placement, I think it is 100% OKAY to tell only a partial truth to spare the client's feelings (though do document anything relevant in the private trainer-to-trainer note). Sometimes things that bother you are a total nonissue for someone else! Reach out for help on how to navigate the wording to your client, if you need it.
Shared by Simone Riley: Take some videos of your beloved adventure/ regular service dogs greeting you when you pick them up. Watch them when you're having a bad day.